Halo :)

Semakin kesini rasanya semakin malas buat berbagi konten di media sosial, baik di blog, instagram, atau twitter. Masih aktif sih tapi cuma pengamat. Liat foto – foto, baca status, baca blog orang. Tapi kenapa ya rasanya susah banget mau sharing tentang diri sendiri?

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5 Months On The Job

Waktu pertama kali nulis draft ini, gue baru sekitar sebulan kerja. Ternyata sekarang udah masuk bulan ke-5 hahaha, telat banget deh. Jadi judulnya diganti lah. Anyway ini tulisan singkat aja, mumpung lagi lunch break nih ehehe… pengen cerita beberapa hal yang udah gue pelajarin selama kerja dan juga beberapa perbedaan atau persamaan situasi kerja disini dan di Jakarta dulu.

Hal – hal yang gue pelajari

Jadi gue kan cukup baru ya di posisi sekarang ini. Udah gitu industri nya juga baru, teknologi. Untuk posisi gue, yaitu Customer Success, salah satu skill yang penting banget dimiliki adalah skill mendengarkan. Gue liat rata – rata penyebab masalah muncul atau masalah susah diselesaikan tuh karena salah satu pihak kurang ngedengerin pihak lainnya. Kalaupun iya, kayak nggak bener – bener di dengerin gitu loh, cuma sebatas lalu aja.

Jadi gue lagi belajar, pentingnya ngedengerin lawan bicara gue dalam kerjaan. Apalagi customer. Penting banget buat gue untuk bisa mengerti masalah yang dia hadapi, kemauan dia, dan bahkan background nya si customer supaya gue bisa kasih solusi paling baik buat dia.

Terus karena gue kerja di perusahaan kecil yang modelnya seperti start up, gue jadi belajar buat wear many hats di kerjaan gue. Iya titel resmi nya customer success tapi gue juga kerjain marketing, project management, dan sebagainya. Hal ini cukup bikin kaget karena selama ini perjalanan karir gue di perusahaan multinasional yang udah punya struktur jelas, semua ada scope nya masing – masing.

Satu lagi, gue belajar jadi mentor! Hihihi. Salah satu program di kantor gue ini adalah mentorship, dimana karyawan baru di pasangin sama karyawan yang udah lebih lama. Walaupun gue baru 5 bulan, tapi per minggu ini gue kedapetan 1 mentee yang baru aja masuk hari Senin kemarin hehe. Jadilah gue musti belajar gimana jadi mentor yang baik dan juga memastikan dia bisa maju dalam kerjaannya dia. Bagian ini cukup membuat gue semangat sih.

Perbandingan Kerja di US dan di Indonesia

Kayaknya untuk sekarang gue gak bakal cerita terlalu detail untuk bagian ini, secara dari segi waktu perbandingannya belum banyak. Tapi satu hal yang mulai berasa, disini kayaknya agak lebih susah dapat kolega se-asik waktu kerja di Indonesia huhuhu.. rata -rata disini kolega ya jadi kolega aja, nggak lantas jadi teman deket banget bangetan kayak waktu gue kerja dulu di perusahaan minuman (you know who you are!).

Sebenernya masih mau cerita lebih banyak tapi jam makan siang udah mau kelar, jadi nanti di lanjut yaa.. hehe. Semoga teman2 semua sehat ya! Until next time! 🙂

Gara – Gara Rona

Di Amerika ada istilah yang cukup sering digunakan oleh anak muda untuk menyebut Coronavirus, yaitu “Rona”. Kalau kamu rajin buka media sosial seperti TikTok, Twitter atau Instagram mungkin sering liat hashtag #RonaMadeMeDoIt yang isinya hal2 baru atau kepepet yang dilakukan orang2 selama masa karantina ini, misalnya masak ini itu atau bikin proyek DIY.

Saya sendiri di California sekarang udah memasuki minggu ke-4 masa #DiRumahAja. Bersyukur banget saya masih bisa keluar rumah sedikit2 – jogging di sekitar rumah, belanja bahan makanan atau juga beli makanan dari restoran untuk dibawa pulang. Bersyukur juga situasi rumah yang saya tinggali cukup nyaman walau seadanya. Yang paling penting sih bersyukur saya, keluarga dan teman2 (termasuk kamu yang baca yaa semoga) masih diberikan rejeki sehat 🙂

Continue reading “Gara – Gara Rona”

5 Quirky Things About America

Hello and welcome back to “Stories from the West” series. I’m doing this project with Dixie and every month we are sharing 1 post about lives in our respective new countries; me in the US, Dixie in Sweden. This month’s topic is about the quirks we found about the adopted country. Enjoy and don’t forget to read Dixie’s post too! 🙂

Festive Season all Year Long

Back in Indonesia, festive season happened twice a year; on Christmas and Idul Fitri. That’s when I would see decorations everywhere, in houses and public spaces; Green/Gold for Idul Fitri and Red/Green for Christmas. Here in The US, it seems like there are reasons to decorate/celebrate all year long, with different ones each month… like how we are decorating for Halloween in October, Thanksgiving in November, and of course Christmas in December. Well, they say the more the merrier!

The Measurement System

This is one of the hardest things that I need to adapt, seriously. I don’t understand why the US use miles instead of kilometers when it comes to measuring speed / distance, pounds instead of kilograms when measuring weight… and so on. Why can’t this country be “normal” like the rest of the world?! :)))))

We Talk Loud… Oops!

I don’t know why, but Americans tend to talk loud especially in public, for example when they are on the phone. I could easily hear whatever they are talking just because they talk so loud! I’m sure you know what I mean if you have met American tourists or if you have seen American movies… trust me it is what it is in real life, and sometimes I found myself starting to do the same thing especially when I’m talking with my classmates! O-ow!

A Different Approach on Advertising

In Indonesia and the UK, Advertising are primarily used for commercial goods, sometimes business goods. Here in The US, it’s common to see ads for lawyers, doctors, and the thing that I still find funny… prescription drugs. I’m not sure how it is in the East Coast but try to drive the freeway in California and you would see a ton of billboard ads for lawyers and doctors. Try to watch American TV network and you would see at least one ad for a prescription drug, followed by long disclaimer, of course.

Humongous Food Portion

I remember the first time I was here on vacation; I was shocked to see how big the food portion in the US is! This makes eating out relatively cheap because you can buy a portion and get enough to last you 2-3x meals. After almost 2 years in the US, I can say that I’m getting used to the food portion and just take home whatever I have left. As soon as I reach home, I would reportion the leftovers into smaller containers and store it in the fridge. At first I was not comfortable in saving food in the fridge because in Indonesia food can get bad easily due to its humidity… but it’s not the case here, your leftovers can still be good for the next 3-4 days or so, as long as it’s kept in the fridge. I still found it weird, but I guess I’m starting to get used to it now.

So those are the 5 things that I found quirky here in the US. It was hard for me to adapt to those quirks but as time goes by, it has became the new normal for me hahaha… anyway, let me know if there’s some quirks in your country, I’d love to hear it too! 🙂